Tuesday, 30 April 2013

All Properties of Value now Removed from Wylfa Area

Perhaps these signs should now read


This Property at Wylfa has now been Removed. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Burial of all Rubble at Porth yr Ogof

All the rubble from the demolition of the lifeboat house seems to have been buried underneath the widened path to the beach. The clay to the left still seems to be collapsing as it is too steep to hold its own against gravity and the water that seeps down the valley from the west.
Demolition rubble used as base for the the new access road.
Rubble from the walls and roof of the former lifeboat station at Porth yr Ogof
seem to have been buried to produce a new, wider track
down to the beach.

Only the rear wall and side walls now exist of the former
lifeboat house at Porth yr Ogof.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Clearing up around Old Lifeboat Station

A Sunday morning and the debris from the demolished lifeboat station are being cleared away. Not proving to be easy because the small spring that drains the small valley above the beach has been turned into sticky mud. The dumper truck is having to use the rubble to provide a trackway up which it can drive. This doesn't seem very environmentally desirable ...

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Old Lifeboat House at Porth yr Ogof Demolished

The planned and approved demolition of the old lifeboat house at Porth yr Ogof to the east of the Wylfa power station has now taken place. See Posting on 20 February, 2013.
Why did this have to happen? It is a small building at the foot of a cliff with only a small footpath to a secluded beach. In an earlier description of proposed works to create Wylfa 'B' access from the sea for deliveries was proposed from this bay. But the new thinking brings supplies in from the west side (thereby destroying the visual impact and National Trust land and the AONB scenic coast!).
Any bats that might have used the building will now have to find the new bat house created on the edge of the trees fringing the Wylfa Nature Trail as designated in the planning decision..

Demolition of the old lifeboat hoouse at Porth yr Ogof, Wylfa Head, Anglesey
as part of planning application and approval for ecological and
demolition works around the site of a yet to be approved
nuclear power station at Wylfa.

Site notice by new Horizon and Du Construction at
demolished lifeboat station, Porth yr Ogof, Anglesey for
works around Wylfa nuclear power station.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Preparing for Demolition at Cafnan

The JCB prepares to take down more buildings for New Horizon.
This time old farm buildings at Cafnan.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Continuation of Demolition at Wylfa

Roofs continue to be removed from buildings owned by New Horizon. There are claims that the main dereliction and damage to these buildings was actually the fault of previous owners EDF.

There used to be a house in this landscape.
Cleared by New Horizon in advance of Wylfa B though
there is no planning permission for the second generation
nuclear power station!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Roofs Taken Off to Limit Bats Future Occupation

Work to remove roofs from 14 buildings in advance of demolition has been started and almost completed over the past week. The actual roof removal had to wait until the two new owl rost and bat homes were completed. As soon as they had been signed off the contractors moved in to erect scaffolding and take off the slates and roof insulation, thereby making certain that they can never be repaired and renovated or lived in again - also so that the bats and owls will not want to take up residence again either.
In attendance were the Cambrian Ecological Partnership to check that no bats were actually in residence at the buildings being taken apart. 
Once again in their Press Release New Horizon describe the buildings they are demolishing as unsafe and uninhabitable. That would be sad news to the people who were living in them until they were moved out by New Horizon. Of course empty buildings attract people to break in and steal the electric cables and pipework out of them and with no security most buildings were probably brought into a dangerous condition under the care and ownership of New Horizon, so that they can now be demolished for a 'good' reason

Monday, 8 April 2013

Demolished Homes - New Bat Roosts at Wylfa, Anglesey

Alongside the dismantling of two former homes a new, state of the art bat roost is constructed on the edge of the Wylfa Nature Trail close to the open coastal grazing of Wylfa Nature Reserve.
The bat roosts would be a planning requirement because so many houses that used to provide roosts for bats, and barn owls are being demolished as part of the development of land around the old power station by New Horizon.
Advised / designed by consultant Richard Crompton and Cambrian Ecological Partnership
Planning permission has been applied for and approved for these bat roosts and the barn owl nesting sites, but an application for the power station has not been submitted. These alternative sites are to show good faith but are experimental. See objections from Hinkley Point where the same thing has happened.

PV genration panels on roof of new bat roost
at Wylfa Nature Trail, Anglesey.

Gable of new bat roost
at Wylfa nuclear power station.
Different sized entry holes for different types of bats.

Additional bat boxes in trees around the new Wylfa bat roost.
The new bat roost at Wylfa,
between two former homes currently being dismantled
in preparation for the new Wylfa B power station.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013