Friday, 31 January 2014

Sunrise Over Cemaes Windmill

Sunrise over Cemaes windmill looking from Tregele
Fine before 7 - throwing it down and monsoon by 11.
Dreadful day with rain, but string winds forecast for Saturday. Great, that will make a change!

Sellerfield Reprocessing Partly Closed

BBC report states that Sellerfield reprocessing plant has been partly closed.
Readings above normal but 'no need to be concerned'.
BBC and Guardian later confirmed that the alert was caused by a rise in background radon gas.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Work Continues to Put in New Trackways

The new access tracks are continuing to be put in place to provide access for the works vehicles required to complete the survey work required over the coming year.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Laying More Trackways

More trackways being created to prevent vehicles from getting bogged down.
Hard core being created by crushing the stone from the buildings demolished last year. A form of local recycling. The area being worked today leads to the beach next to Cestyll Gardens where the proposed breakwater is to be constructed.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Wet and Dreary Morning

No nice sunrise this morning. Just more grey and rain.
The fields are standing in water - not like Somerset Levels though, thank goodness.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Sunrise over Wylfa Nature Reserve

Not to early to get out to see the sunrise at this time of year. It has been generally too wet and cloudy to see many over recent months. But great today. Taken from the car park area at the entrance to the walk to Wylfa Head at the gates to the former Wylfa Hall demolished for the first power station and then slightly higher up the driveway from the open maritime grassland fields.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Pylon Meeting

National Grid's Anglesey energy and pylons plan prompts meeting
The BBC Reports that 
a public meeting is to call on the National Grid to change its preferred option of building pylons across Anglesey to improve north Wales' electricity connection.

Friday's public meeting is in Llanfairpwll where an existing line of pylons carries power by the village over the Menai Strait to a sub station at Pentir near Bangor.

It was reported that 150 people turned up at the meeting.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Waste Disposal Off Site

With the outage works being carried out presumable these vehicles carry away contaminated waste material?

New Access Roads

The crushed stone from demolition works is being recycled to provide hard access roads to work sites. Should prevent Land Rovers being stuck in mud as happened last year. The stripped red and white poles highlight low over head cables for the machine operators.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Vehicles Chew up Grass at Cemlyn

cars and bikes are starting to chew up the grass at Cemlyn as visitors fail to follow advice not to drive up to the beach. Part of the problem is caused by canoe groups arriving in 6-7 vans, cars and with trailers - trying to get as close to the beach as possible. And to use the old lifeboat slipway. Last week it was group up for the weekend from Southampton.
Can't confront them all, there are too many of them. Avoiding showing cars and registrations.
Some of the fragile maritime grass is still not recovered from bike damage from last spring.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Twilight of the Pylons

Another grey and damp day. No winds though, thank goodness.

Anonymity disappeared today when Challenged "are you WylfaWalker?"

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Car Park for Current Outage

Extra car parking in the compound, with floodlighting for arrivals early and late during the current downtime outage.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Eroding Access to Porth yr Ogof

Dry and sunny morning. Amazing.
but the high tides continue to wash away the new ramp created at Porth yr Ogof.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Site Compound Set With Lights

The area used as a compound and site offices has just gained new barriers and two portable flood lights.
Looking NE towards the site compound  used by Horizon at Wylfa Newydd
The red and white barriers on on the opposite side of the access road to
Information centre for Wylfa Nuclear Power Station and offices for
Working compound at Horizon's site used for environmental impact
surveys for Wylfa Newydd - Jan 2014 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

France Proposes Cutting Dependency on Nuclear Power

A report commented on on the BBC web site recommends France reduces its dependency on nuclear power.

If fully implemented, the pledge would force the closure of up to 20 of the country's 58 reactors according to Professor Laurence Tubiana a former government adviser who the president asked to facilitate a national debate, paving the way for what they call le transition energetique.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Sorting Rocks

Rocks, bricks and dirt are being separated through giant mobile screening machines. This is all the material brought to a central storage area during the demolition of all the buildings which took place  on land of the proposed new power station.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Notice from The Office for Nuclear Development

On Monday 6 January 2014, The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the Environment Agency announced that they are progressing to the next phase of their assessment of a new nuclear reactor design for the UK.
The UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (UK ABWR) is proposed to be used in new nuclear power stations at Wylfa in Anglesey and Oldbury in South Gloucestershire. The assessment follows nine months of preparatory work by the reactor designer, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, and the regulators.
Furthermore, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, have launched a comment process, as part of the early phases of this regulatory assessment, which enables anyone to submit comments and questions to the company for their response.
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy have developed a website which presents an overview of the technology which you can visit at the following website:
The website gives an explanation of the reactor design and some of its key features.  The website also gives the opportunity for comments or questions on the design of the reactor, or on the submissions which have been made to the regulators. Hitachi-GE will respond to these comments and share both the questions and their answers with the regulators. 
Notification of this process is being sent to elected representatives, councils, officials, community groups and NGOs across the UK and beyond.
Kind regards,
The Office for Nuclear Development

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Trees Knocked Over By Recent Storms

Where the trees are being cut down at the Wylfa Nature Trail the open spaces created have let the storm winds in and knock down some of the remaining trees which were due to be cut down after the Christmas break.

Friday, 3 January 2014