Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Notice from The Office for Nuclear Development

On Monday 6 January 2014, The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the Environment Agency announced that they are progressing to the next phase of their assessment of a new nuclear reactor design for the UK.
The UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (UK ABWR) is proposed to be used in new nuclear power stations at Wylfa in Anglesey and Oldbury in South Gloucestershire. The assessment follows nine months of preparatory work by the reactor designer, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, and the regulators.
Furthermore, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, have launched a comment process, as part of the early phases of this regulatory assessment, which enables anyone to submit comments and questions to the company for their response.
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy have developed a website which presents an overview of the technology which you can visit at the following website:   www.hitachi-hgne-uk-abwr.co.uk.
The website gives an explanation of the reactor design and some of its key features.  The website also gives the opportunity for comments or questions on the design of the reactor, or on the submissions which have been made to the regulators. Hitachi-GE will respond to these comments and share both the questions and their answers with the regulators. 
Notification of this process is being sent to elected representatives, councils, officials, community groups and NGOs across the UK and beyond.
Kind regards,
The Office for Nuclear Development

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