Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Burnt Out Wind Turbine

During the recent storms wind turbines at Cemaes burnt out.
You can see the black casework of the central turbine here.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Roadworks Almost Complete

The new access roadways with their stone surface are nearly completed. Drilling rigs arrive soon for more survey works.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Spring is Here

Despite the hurricane force winds and heavy rain it has actually been quite warm and spring is here.
Snowdrops have been out for ages, hawthorne is sprouting and daffodils  should be out before 1st March.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Consultations Start

Consultation start for new reactor.
Anglesey County Council also starts its own public consultation.

Read the 10 topic papers for the Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Download a form to fill in and return.
Fill a form online by Survey Monkey.
Returns are requested by 31 March, 2014.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Locks Added to Gates

For the first time locks have been added to the field gates. Presumably as the hard surfaces are being laid down this is to prevent unauthorised access to wheel vehicles. or to prevent contractors leaving gates open and letting out the cattle. They used to be just tied up with string. Happily fo rthe moment most still are.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Trees Still being Cutdown

Trees are still being cut down around the new bat house on the edge of the Nature Trail and the Wylfa Head Nature Reserve.