Thursday, 3 December 2015

Read About Uraguay Energy Mix - No Nuclear

Guardian report on energy mix in Uruguay, but no nuclear.

1 comment:

  1. As much as Urugauy must be commended for their adoption of renewables, let's not get carried away, Uruguay does not equal the UK.

    Firing up the google (all facts verified by Wikipedia!) we soon discover that Uruguay has a total installed capacity of only 3GW vs the UK's comparably huge 89GW. In fact, the UK has over six times the installed renewable capacity of Uruguay, already, at roughly 20GW (13GW of which is wind). Christ knows why Jonathan Watts decided to emit this quite illuminating comparison.

    Other than that, Uruguay is a country of 3 million people with a third less energy demand per capita, and a population density far less than that of the UK (19 vs 255/km^2).

    I'm all for the inspirational message, but it must be somewhat grounded in reality.

    P.S. Now I have an excuse to thank you for the good work on the blog. It's becoming a valuable record of the area in this transitionary time and it's always a pleasure to catch your updates - even if I do have to duck the odd politically motivated post!



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